Monday, October 31, 2011


I am on a 2 week break already and I've only been in school for 2 months! A few days ago I took a train ride with my family to Valence. The train ride was a little bit strange because there were a lot of people on it, yet I couldn't hear anyone talking with each other.

When we arrived in Valence a friendly older man with a brown scruffy beard heartily greated us. He gave me 3 whiskery kisses on my cheeks as well as the rest of my family. I heard that the kisses increase in number the further south in France that you go. He drove us in his little car to the cabin that we would be staying in for the next few days.

The next day we visited that same man and his wife and we ate lunch and dinner with them. It was really good food and I got to drink a glass of wine with each meal. I think I am starting to like wine more, but at first it was a little bit hard to get used to. The next few days my family and I explored a cool little village and drove all around the countryside.

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